The decision comes four years after the Health Services Union lodged an application for a 25% increase of wages across the board for an “under-valued, under-appreciated lifeblood of the care economy.”
The pay rise follows the 15% increase to minimum wages awarded by the FWC in November 2022 which came into effect at the start of the 2023/2024 financial year.
The decision will vary modern awards to increase the minimum wages of aged care sector workers covered by the Aged Care Award 2010, Nurses Award 2020 and the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010.
Those benefiting most include personal carers who will get an increase of between 18% and 28% per cent and home-care staff who will get a rise of between 15% and 26%.
Health Services Union President Gerald Hayes said it was a historic improvement for the sector and will “usher in a new era of decency and dignity in our aged care homes which for the last decade has been held together by the good will and severely underpaid, insecurely employed workforce.”
Parties have until 26 April to comment on draft determinations, and the Federal Government will have until 12 April to make submissions on the operative date and phasing in.
Written by Victoria Stamper, Special Counsel and Tom Gillard Law Graduate. Please contact us on (08) 9321 0522 if you have any questions.