Introduction Victoria was an early adopter of VAD, passing Australian-first legislation in November 2017 and with their VAD scheme commencing in June 2019. Western Australia followed shortly after, passing legislation in December 2019, resulting in the scheme...
Sam Lowther
International medical graduate supervision issues result in suspensions for three medical practitioners
In Medical Board of Australia v Origanti [2024] VCAT 467, the Medical Board of Australia (the Board) took the unusual step of initiating concurrent proceedings against three medical practitioners under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law relating to...
Medical Board takes strong stance against racism
Background The respondent medical practitioner’s identity was suppressed by the Tribunal, so there are limited details available regarding their background, however the Tribunal’s decision confirms that the respondent was a general practitioner practising in the ACT...
Medical Board to contribute to GP’s legal fees after unproven allegations
Facts The proceedings related to the general practitioner’s interactions with Mr and Mrs P. Mr and Mrs P were from the same ethnic community as the general practitioner and the parties knew each other socially from around 2015. The general practitioner also saw Mr P...
An overview of the Professional Standard Committee Inquiry Findings into Dr Charles Teo
Introduction Dr Teo has been registered as a medical practitioner in Australia since 1981 and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons since 1993. He has held various professorships at the University of New South Wales, Duke University Medical Centre...
Top 5 Record Keeping Tips
We regularly assist health practitioners who are experiencing issues not relating to any concerns about competency, but because they are unable to confirm or justify aspects of their management due to inadequate record keeping. The following tips will assist you when...