The Western Australian government has just issued further directions to residential aged care providers regarding the visitors permitted to residential aged care sites during the current public health state of emergency caused by COVID-19.
The Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions (No 3) (Directions (No 3)) revokes the previous Directions (No 2).
The Directions (No 3) took effect from 11.59pm on 8 July 2020.
The notable difference between the Directions (No 3) and the Directions (No 2) are:
- the relaxation of the categories of visitors that can attend facilities;
- the introduction of an explicit exemption of medical contraindication for influenza vaccination;
- changes around telehealth;
- children are no longer automatically excluded; and
- visitors are required to comply with the instructions of the facility supervisor.
A further detailed schedule comparing the Directions (No 2) and Directions (No 3) can be found here.
A copy of the Directions (No 3) can be found here.
If you have any questions about the impact of the Directions (No 3) on your business, please contact Gemma McGrath.