Critical Workers in Social Assistance and Residential Care settings

by | Mar 10, 2022 | Aged Care Blog

As you will be aware, from 12.01am on Thursday, 10 March 2022, the “very high” caseload setting will take effect in Western Australia, allowing all eligible industries (including social assistance and residential care) to implement the Critical Worker Policy. The WA Department of Health has provided guidelines for work permissions and restrictions for workers in Aged Care to help assist providers of Residential Aged Care Services manage the COVID-19 outbreak in WA.

Please see below a summary of the guidelines as it applies to the residential aged care sector.

In a residential aged care setting, where a critical worker has been exposed to a COVID-positive case in a ‘workplace setting’ by:

  • not wearing full PPE (fit-tested N95/P2 mask, eye wear, gown, and gloves) when being exposed where aerosol generating behaviours or procedures have been involved; or
  • being exposed to 15 minutes+ face-to-face contact where both mask and eyewear were not worn by worker, and the COVID positive case was without a mask; or
  • being exposed for two hours or more in a small room with a COVID positive case during their infectious period, where masks have been removed for this period;

depending on “impact level to services”, the critical worker should:

Low impact on servicesHigh impact on services
·         Immediate quarantine for 7 days·         Immediately quarantine and take a RAT. If positive isolate for 7 days. If negative and asymptomatic:
·         Return to work after 7 days if day 6 test is negative and asymptomatic
·         If symptoms develop, perform RATo   Continue to work with negative day 1 RAT
·         If symptoms continue at day 7, continue to quarantine until asymptomatic, regardless, if RAT is negativeo   Perform RAT every working day (prior to starting workday), up to day 7
·         Continue to monitor for symptoms for a further 7 dayso   Monitor for symptoms and immediate isolate if symptoms develop
·         Apply additional requirements on return to work as per ‘High impact on services’o   Abide by additional requirements
(see below)


Additional requirements to continue working in high impact circumstances

Where furloughing critical workers will have a “high impact on services”, workers must abide by additional requirements. Workers must:

  • work in fit-tested N95/P2 respirator for the first 7 days following exposure
  • only work at a single site/area,
  • must not share break areas (service provider must provide adequate break areas)
  • continue to quarantine when not working until cleared or show a negative RAT at day 7
  • travel to work via own their transport or individual rideshare following a negative RAT.




Gemma McGrath

Gemma McGrath