The complaint in respect of each patient was separated into two issues: the medical treatment provided to the patient; and the failure to maintain adequate medical records for that patient. The matters that were the subject of each complaint which related to the...
Immediate action prohibiting Doctor from performing circumcisions overturned
The complaint concerned a circumcision undertaken by Dr Al-Naser on 6 September 2018 on a five month old male patient (the Circumcision), and the follow up care on 6 and 7 September 2018. The Patient experienced some bleeding and was subsequently admitted to Hospital...
Appeal Dismissed – Medical Practitioner facing criminal charges permitted to practice pending outcome
The Supreme Court of Victoria has dismissed an appeal by the Medical Board of Australia (Board) against the decision of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to overturn its decision to suspend a medical practitioner’s registration by way of immediate...
Continued Suspension not in public interest
In April 2019 Julia Wilcock reported on the Tribunal's decision to stay the suspension of the anaesthetist pending his appeal in the matter. Click here to read Julia's post and the background to the case. Last week, the Tribunal delivered its decision on the...