The administering body of a retirement village has an obligation to establish appropriate procedures for consulting with residents on various matters under the Fair Trading (Retirement Villages Interim Code) Regulations (No. 2) 2018 (“RV Code”). These matters include:...
review of retirement living contracts
A Legal Analysis of the Similarities and Differences Between Retirement Villages and Strata Titles in WA
This discussion comes about because (legal definitions aside for the moment) to many ageing persons and/or their family, at its most basic level a retirement community might be little more than: a community of retired people; accommodated within a complex that is:...
New Interim Code of Practice for Retirement Villages (No. 2) 2018
The retirement village industry in WA will be aware that a code of practice is prescribed in respect of retirement villages from time to time. Although the existence of such a code is expressly recognised in the Retirement Villages Act 1992 (WA), it is in fact...
Consumer Protection announces review of retirement village contracts
Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard advised that the investigation will examine various contracts offered by retirement village operators to see if they breach the "unfair contract terms" provisions of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). One...