The plaintiff’s arm had been dislocated by a horse bite. The plaintiff alleged that the defendants each breached their duty of care to her by failing to order imaging to identify a rotator cuff injury, failing to refer her to an orthopaedic specialist, and failing to...
Hospital, obstetrician sued for negligence after stillbirth of baby
Background On 13 January 2011, KS was admitted to Calvary Private Hospital. She was a patient of Dr Foote, an obstetrician and gynaecologist, and was pregnant with her first child. By 13 January 2011 the baby was one week overdue and it had been agreed that KS would...
Peer professional opinion and irrationality
In South Western Sydney Local Health District v Gould [2018] NSWCA 69, the NSW Court of Appeal overturned the District Court decision in which the appellant had been found liable in negligence for the treatment of an 8 year old boy’s open fracture to his left thumb –...
GP Obstetrician’s conduct not widely accepted practice
Background At 8:25am on 24 August 2009, Cooper’s mother was induced and progressed normally until she reached full dilatation at 8:40pm. There had been no recorded foetal head movements from 4:30pm, and there was clinical evidence of disproportion between the foetal...
Liability of hospital for actions of a misbehaving patient
A B v Australian Capital Territory [2018] ACTSC 18 is a decision of the Supreme Court of the ACT which considers the liability of a hospital following the abuse and assault of the plaintiff by another patient who was affected by, at least, alcohol and admitted to the...
No basis for extension of time
On 12 June 2010 the plaintiff, then 9 weeks pregnant with a confirmed intrauterine pregnancy, was admitted to Geraldton Regional Hospital Emergency Department after experiencing severe chest and abdominal pain. She was observed for six hours and treated for...
Neurosurgeon suspended following colleague’s fatal drug overdose
In July 2012 the neurosurgeon became close friends with a neurosurgical registrar (Dr A). Between October 2012 and February 2013 the pair consumed the drug GHB whilst socialising outside work and on weekends. The pair developed a dependency on GHB and discussed trying...
Hospital’s breach was not causative of psychiatric patient’s attempted suicide
Daniel Smith, 25, reported depression, crying and insomnia to his GP on 15 April 2008. This was secondary to his break up with his ex-fiancée, pain from a motor vehicle accident in 2006, associated court proceedings, and his excessive consumption of alcohol. On 30...
Hospital negligent over amputation of child’s thumb
The plaintiff had sustained a severe complex crushing injury to his left thumb and was diagnosed with fractures. Following his presentation to the hospital, the plaintiff’s surgery for wound exploration, washout and fixation of his fractures was postponed until the...
Hospital wins appeal in appendicitis case
The claim arose from the alleged negligent care the Plaintiff received as a patient at Fremantle Hospital (the Hospital) in 2009 when it was said that staff delayed in the diagnosis of his appendicitis. It was alleged that the Hospital was negligent by: failing to...