The Aged Care Amendment (Ratio of Skilled Staff to Care Recipients) Bill 2017 is seeking “to enhance the level of care provided by aged care facilities nation-wide” according to Senator Derryn Hinch’s Second Reading Speech. The Bill proposes that a minimum adequate...
Law Reform
Elder Abuse under Review
The Report, released on 14 June 2017, follows an inquiry held to identify and model best-practice legal frameworks to promote and support older people and protect against misuse or advantage taken of formal or informal supporter roles. Elder abuse is defined as a...
New Privacy Act Data Breach Obligations Update
Eligible Data Breaches The Act sets up a scheme for notification of ‘eligible data breaches’. An eligible data breach happens if: there is unauthorised access to, unauthorised disclosure of, or loss of, personal information held by an entity; and the access,...
Aged Care Law Reforms – Home Care Packages and Exit Fees
Reforms to Aged Care legislation taking effect from 27 February 2017 will see home care packages moving with the consumer if they change home care providers. These reforms are part of the first stage of the Commonwealth Government’s reforms to the home care system....
David Tune to Lead Major Review of Aged Care Reforms
Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Ken Wyatt AM, MP announced the appointment of David Tune AO PSM to lead the Aged Care Legislated Review. The changes announced to aged care in 2012 included a comprehensive review of the aged care sector in 2016-17. This...
Australian Law Reform Commission releases Issues Paper into Elder Abuse
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has released an Issues Paper for inquiry and report into Elder Abuse (found here: The closing date for submissions to the Issues Paper is 18 August 2016. The inquiry will...
Is the end of the ‘once and for all’ rule nigh?
The Law Reform Commission of WA released a discussion paper in November 2015 on provisional damages and damages for gratuitous services. Whilst initiated in response to issues in asbestos claims, the proposed reforms are discussed in the broader context of all...