This discussion comes about because (legal definitions aside for the moment) to many ageing persons and/or their family, at its most basic level a retirement community might be little more than: a community of retired people; accommodated within a complex that is:...
Strata reforms and community titles – update for the health and ageing sectors
In this article, we cover the Community Titles Act 2018 and Strata Titles Amendment Act 2018. In the culmination of a review of WA’s strata titles legislation that commenced back in 2007, the Community Titles Act 2018 and Strata Titles Amendment Act 2018 have passed...
Medical Board “Bonk Ban”: what you need to know
It has always been essential for doctors to maintain professional boundaries and not establish or pursue any sexual, exploitative or other inappropriate relationship with someone under their care. Such relationships are always unethical and usually harmful to patients...
New Interim Code of Practice for Retirement Villages (No. 2) 2018
The retirement village industry in WA will be aware that a code of practice is prescribed in respect of retirement villages from time to time. Although the existence of such a code is expressly recognised in the Retirement Villages Act 1992 (WA), it is in fact...
Recommendation for mandatory RN care in residential aged care facilities
The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport released the final report on Quality of Care in Residential Aged Care Facilities on 22 October 2018 (the Report). The Report comes after a series of government inquiries into aged care and...
Royal Commission Into Aged Care Quality And Safety
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety is to examine the quality of care in residential and home care services provided to senior Australians, as well as to younger persons with disability who are living in residential aged care. The calling of the...
Another inquiry into aged care? What is the Aged Care Royal Commission, and how will it be different?
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced the Government's decision to ask the Governor General to establish a Royal Commission into the aged care sector. This is not the first government investigation into aged care in recent history. What is a Royal Commission? A...
Doctor denied procedural fairness by Tribunal
Proceedings had been commenced in the Tribunal by the Medical Board alleging a breach of professional boundaries, sexual misconduct, misleading entries in clinical notes and making false statements to AHPRA and the Board. Following conferral between the parties, a...
No obligation on Tribunal to make all or any combination of protective orders available
Following the making of findings of professional misconduct against a registered nurse who had commenced a sexual relationship with a patient under his care in a psychiatric facility, the nurse consented to a package of orders which included (1) cancellation, (2)...
Senate Standing Committee reports on AHPRA complaints management.
Following review of numerous submissions from stakeholders and two public hearings, the Senate Standing Committee has found that AHPRA's failure to provide information and transparency in its complaints process has led to both practitioners and notifiers losing...